About Love Our Children NC
Love Our Children was co-founded in March 2021 by two experienced Wilmington educators, Veronica McLaurin Brown and Peter Rawitsch. The singular mission was to end out-of-school suspensions for 4, 5, 6, and 7-year-old students in New Hanover County. As their purpose gained attention, others joined them and spoke with them at the New Hanover County Board of Education meetings.
In March 2022, Veronica and Peter with their team of advocates successfully convinced the New Hanover County Board of Education to end out-of-school suspensions for these youngest learners, except in the rare occasions of violence, drugs, or weapons.
New Hanover County is the first one in North Carolina to end out-of-school suspensions for any age group. We have supported the efforts of others to end the use of seclusion rooms, which happened in October 2022.
In November 2022, Love Our Children became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We have continued to advocate on behalf of New Hanover County students. Currently, we are asking for the parental right to attend the out-of-school suspension hearings for those children ages eight (8) and under. We are also participating in and planning events, such as the upcoming Listen and Learn sessions to begin in August.
Founded in March 2021, Love Our Children NC advocates for child-centered, evidence-based policies that keep children in school learning. Our focus is on ending harmful practices like out-of-school suspensions for minor infractions, which can disrupt children’s education and impact their futures.
Our Goals
Love Our Children NC advocates for supportive policies to ensure North Carolina schools provide every child with a strong educational foundation.
Improve Education for All
Encourage schools to have the support staff needed by both teachers and students.
Provide research-based policies and programs that help children stay in school.